1. Billing Procedure
  2. Refunds
  3. Cancellation Policy
  4. Account Policy
  5. Dedicated Connections
  6. Placeholder A
  7. High Speed Services
  8. Phone Numbers: Tech Support & Dialup
  9. Classes: Basic Internet for PC
  10. Placeholder
  11. Terms of Service
  12. Placeholder B
Billing Procedure Accounts are billed in advance. Payments may be made by cash, check, or by automatically processing your credit card. The set-up fee if any, covers the accounting, labor and any software configuration charges and is non-refundable. All credit cards or debit cards will be charged automatically for each billing period. By providing the company your credit card or debit card information, you are authorizing the company to charge any and all services rendered to that card until such authorization is canceled in writing as per the account cancellation policy. If you have any questions or disputes regarding any charges levied by the company you agree to contact the billing department FIRST for resolution prior to filing any disputes with the merchant card company or banking institution. If you dispute a valid credit card charge levied by the Company, your account with the Company will be disabled and you will be charged a minimum $40.00 service fee for each dispute and all related collection charges, and your account will be forwarded for further collection actions. Disputing a valid charge is synonymous to cancelling or bouncing a check and will be treated the same.

Refunds Refund Policy - Setup, software configuration, programming, service fees, installation, labor and shipping are non-refundable. Accounts which have been discounted for advance payment such as quarterly, semiannual, annual and some promotional accounts may be refunded for unused periods; however those accounts will be back billed at the pre-discounted rate before a refund, if any, will be issued. All refunds may be issued in the same manner as the initial payment, (i.e. check via check, credit card via credit card, etc.) A refund processing administration fee of $10.00 will be charged for all refunds processed. All refund requests are processed by the accounting department. The company does not prorate services. Services are billed in full increments regardless of usage. All refund requests must be received 5 days prior to your next billing date to avoid further service charges. Please allow appropriate processing times for any refund. Any disputes or concerns should be directed to billing@asisna.com.

Cancellation Policy For your protection as well as ours, all cancellations must be submitted in writing and signed by the account owner. Moving your website and or not accessing or using the services does not constitute cancellation or termination of any subscription or service. The company incurs costs by making the services available to you, regardless of usage. You will continue to incur fees if you do not properly cancel your account. You must cancel your account as described. No cancellations by general e-mail or phone will be accepted. A signed letter converted to PDF may be emailed however you must confirm receipt by our spokane administrative offices due to spam and attachment filtering issues. All cancellation requests must be received in our offices at least 5 business days prior to your next billing cycle to prevent further service charges. All requests received beyond this date will be processed on your next billing cycle which is typically thirty days later. Please send your cancellation request by U.S. Mail or email a signed PDF which must be confirmed by reply email from our staff to validate receipt, to the following: SISNA c/o TSMG PO Box 3940 Spokane, WA. 99220 billing@asisna.com The following items must be included in the cancellation letter: Full name, address and contact phone number. Customer Account Number. Username and/or Email Address. A Description of the services to be terminated. (Please be specific.) We also ask that you include the reason for cancellation so we may better serve our existing and future customers.

Account Policy Please read our terms and conditions of service agreement here. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE

Dedicated Connections Due to the variety of services available, please call for details or view our services area.


High Speed Services ASISNA is pleased to offer a number of high speed Internet connections. Please call or e-mail for more information.

Phone Numbers: Tech Support & Dialup

AreaTech Support NumbersDialup Numbers
Spokane 509-535-1169 509-252-4124
Spokane 509-535-1169 509-252-4124
Davenport 509-535-1169 509-725-1031
Coeur D'Alene 509-535-1169 208-292-0042
Sandpoint 509-535-1169 208-255-1353

Tech Support 1-509-535-1169.


Classes: Basic Internet for PC All classes are currently suspended until further notice.


Terms of Service Please read our terms and conditions of service agreement here. (updating)TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE

Placeholder2 Placeholder3
